Tobias Ellwood, MP for Bournemouth East, will be one of ConservativeHome's citizen reporters for conference week. In his first entry he describes a special social action project that he will be coordinating...
"Party Conference this year is set to be different. Bournemouth regularly plays host to political gatherings that blaze in and out, but this time we thought it would be great if we could leave behind a lasting legacy to the city. So as a practical demonstration of this year’s Conference theme ‘A New Direction’ I will be leading a team of volunteers in turning a disused Church into a major local community centre for Bournemouth. And we would like to ask for the support of conference delegates to help make this happen.
St Mary's has lain dormant for over 10 years since it was deconsecrated, and with local community groups desperate for office, meeting, teaching and performance space it is a building that needs to be brought back to life. This is our challenge for Bournemouth: Party members will be asked to sacrifice a lunch or fringe meeting in lieu of an hour, painting or decorating at the church. The skills and expertise of Conservative MPs will be sought; Alan Duncan, for example has offered to do the skirting boards and Daniel Kawczynski the ceilings. And even candidates on the Priority list will be expected to temporarily put seat hunting on hold in order to participate!
David Cameron and members of the Shadow Cabinet will attend the project throughout conference and a summary of progress will be broadcast each day in the conference hall. When complete, David and I will hand the building back to the Bourne Spring Trust, the charity who will manage the building for around thirty volunteer organisations and local groups.
The building will undergo a huge renovation during the four day period including the creation of a new function & arts room; installation of a kitchen & dining area and construction of a stage complete with a professional theatre curtain system. There will be expert builders on site doing the more technical jobs, but there is plenty of work for plucky amateurs – or even someone who just wants a break from all the politicking over at the BiC!
While I know this will be a disappointment to many, I’m afraid it will be yours truly who will be taking on the Charlie Dimmock/Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen role. But it’s a challenge we are all relishing and is exactly the kind project I wanted to champion when I became the local MP last year.
So if you are down at Conference, why not come down to St Mary’s and help us leave this fantastic legacy to Bournemouth? You’ll depart with a real sense of achievement, not just a pocket full of business cards and enduring hangover!"
Toby will be reporting for ConservativeHome throughout conference week on the renovation of St Mary's.
"And even candidates on the Priority list will be expected to temporarily put seat hunting on hold in order to participate!"
Tobias - superb project - can non A listers come too??
Posted by: Anon | September 24, 2006 at 01:23 PM
Tobias, well done for organizing this project. You can count me in and I will be encouraging others to help too.
Posted by: Teresa Rosell | September 24, 2006 at 01:41 PM
Great project.
How appropriate for Daniel Kawczynski to volunteer to do the ceilings. Given his height he won't need to use ladders!
Posted by: Adrian Owens | September 24, 2006 at 02:34 PM
Why does Tobias describe Bournemouth as a "city"? As one of the local MPs, he should know that it is a town.
Posted by: Mottingham man | September 24, 2006 at 04:32 PM
Excellent Tobias! Thanks for the warning. Luckily I am driving down, so overalls/mucky jeans/old shoes/rollars/brushes etc, can be slung in the boot. Please post on here, meeting places, what jobs on what days, small map as to location of building, do we need our vacuum flasks for a hot drink?
Posted by: Annabel Herriott | September 24, 2006 at 04:40 PM
A superb project. As well as helping to show the people of Bournemouth that we believe in society once again, any coverage in the national press can only create favourable publicity. Everone wins!
Posted by: CDM | September 24, 2006 at 11:19 PM
I'm all for social action (I'm a Dr)... but there's something so happy-clappy and 'means well' about this whole thing. Trying too hard to be nice - with a staged and rather mawkish CCHQ-generated pinch of self-righteousness. Foul.
I would prefer to see gutsy fearless leadership from a party that wants to form a government. Please please start growing up.
Posted by: Political Animal | September 25, 2006 at 02:31 AM
Where exactly is this church? I live in Bournemouth and don't know it. I can't find it on Multimap.
Can we have a location link? It's important because can we walk there? Do we need to get a bus/cab?
Posted by: Brian Jenner | September 25, 2006 at 12:27 PM
Happy to offer any help I can from my property renovation background.
Posted by: John Moss | September 25, 2006 at 03:37 PM
The church is in Springbourne, on the corner of Holdenhurst Road and St Mary's Road. Essentially it's just behind the fire station on the Richmond Park Road/Wessex Way junction. It's probably best to catch a bus from the Lansdowne where you are.
For those who don't know the area: as you enter Bournemouth on the A338, look for the second full junction, signposted Charminster, Boscombe and Winton. It's the first underpass you come to, about a mile after passing the Bournemouth sign. Turn left off this junction, signposted Springbourne and Boscombe. The church is then straight ahead, slightly to the left. You can't miss it.
Please e-mail me direct if you need any more information or directions.
It's a huge project, but a very worthwhile one. Local Conservatives will be there to help you orientate yourselves and organise the work. We look forward to seeing you there!
Posted by: Nick King | September 25, 2006 at 09:51 PM
Well done to everyone involved in this wonderful project.
Extra special thanks to Libby and Emily...
they are the real behind the scenes heros! xxx
Posted by: Kate | September 27, 2006 at 02:45 PM
I hear positive feedback on this since all the members do their best foot forward.,But for now I am not sure if they are still on a good standing.
Posted by: Skirting Boards | January 23, 2012 at 11:58 AM