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Making Britain Better: Richard Benyon MP on how he's taking action to improve the environment

by Richard Benyon

BENYON RICHARD Here are a few of the things I have been up to recently.

I have been leading the drive for a reform of the CFP. I am not complacent about the complexities of reforming such a broken system of managing our fisheries but we are on the same page as the EU Commission in wanting an end to micro management from Brussels and an end to the wasteful and grotesque practice of discarding perfectly edible fish.

I am implementing measures announced in our Natural Environment White Paper. Among many new measures the include encouraging people to get active in new Local Nature Partnerships and schools being freed up from petty rules that prevent children learning in the open air and in the countryside.

I have progressed our plans to see the canals and waterways currently managed by British Waterways transferred to a national Charity. We have announced our transitional Trustees and this Big Society plan looks good to become reality in the Spring/Summer of next year.
We have completed a review of how our National Parks are run. An announcement will be made soon and this fulfils a clear Coalition commitment.

