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Making Britain Better: Hugh Robertson MP on National Lottery funding helping sport and the London Olympics

by Hugh Robertson

Hugh Robertson As Minister for Sport and the Olympics, my most important contribution to the government is to deliver the best possible London Olympics and to make sure that it delivers a proper legacy. However, if I was asked to name one thing that I have done to deliver a better Britain it is, in concert with Jeremy Hunt, to have returned the National Lottery to its original beneficiaries so that sport, along with the other good causes, now receives 20% of the take. This will be of huge benefit to our elite athletes and community sportsmen, and women, up and down the country. Add to that the fact that we have persuaded all the sport governing bodies to invest 30% of their UK broadcast income in grassroots development and there is a quantifiable benefit to communities up and down this country – delivered by this government.

Hugh Robertson is Minister for Sport and the Olympics

