Reactions to PMQs and a review of the UK-US extradition treaty lead our teatime newslinks
Reactions to PMQs
- ToryDiary: PMQs: Ed Miliband scores victory against Cameron as he highlights the Government's NHS isolation
- "Today’s PMQs was a reminder that whenever Ed Miliband goes on the NHS he is guaranteed a result. Indeed, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Miliband enjoying himself as much in the chamber as he was today." - James Forsyth
- "David Cameron has decided that attack is the best form of defence. On the rack over Andrew Lansley's chaotic reorganisation, he finally came out fighting at today's PMQs." - George Eaton
- Ed Miliband tries his hand as shadow health secretary, since Leader of the Opposition isn't working out - Dan Hodges
- "So let’s make this one simple – nobody won today. How could they have, when the event itself was so deeply, stunningly, mind bendingly dreadful." - Mark Ferguson
- "In essence, Mr Cameron thinks Englishmen should spend less time complaining about what the Scots have and they don't. Instead, they should celebrate Scotland's place in the Union." - James Kirkup
- WATCH: David Cameron: Labour's NHS stance makes them "rank opportunists, not fit to run Opposition, not fit for Government"
Theresa May to review UK extradition treaty with US
"Theresa May, the home secretary, will conduct a "proper, sober, thoughtful review" into Britain's extradition treaty with the US amid anger at a series of deportations, David Cameron has announced. The prime minister told MPs the home secretary would take account of the views of parliamentarians after he was asked about the case of Christopher Tappin. The retired company director from Kent is due to be flown to the US on Friday to face allegations of selling arms to Iran. Tappin, 65, admits shipping batteries that can be used in Hawk air defence missiles but says he thought they were for use in the car industry. He said he had no idea about their eventual destination."- Guardian
Last quarter 2011 party donations revealed
"The Conservatives received £3.2m in party donations in the last three months of 2011, according to figures from the Electoral Commission. Labour received £2.3m in donations, while the Lib Dems received £1.07m. UKIP got the most donations of the smaller parties, £151,000, more than twice that of the Scottish National Party on £50,964." - BBC
Cristina Kirchner told to leave Falkland Islanders alone, by Argentina's intellectuals - Daily Telegraph
Sunday Times journalist Marie Colvin killed in Syria
"Marie Colvin, who has been killed in the Syrian city of Homs, was without doubt one of the finest foreign correspondents of her generation, and also one of the most fearless. In the 25 years or so years that I have known Marie she was invariably to be found on the front line of the world's most dangerous conflicts, laughing off the very real risks she faced as though it was just another day in the office." - Con Coughlin
- "My last meetings with the foreign correspondent Marie Colvin... were in Tripoli, just after Colonel Gaddafi’s compound fell to the revolution. We were all trying (and failing) to find drivers. There was virtually no traffic on the roads that day. Marie had no difficulty. She and her regular colleague Paul Conroy, the photographer, who has been injured today, swept up to my hotel on the back of a rebel machine-gun Landrover, having already been taken on a guided tour of the front line." - Andrew Gilligan
LISTEN: Jeremy Hunt: Homophobia can be tackled through football as "it reaches the parts that politicians can't reach"
- Letwin insists that sudden change in child benefit policy was 'planned' strategy - Janet Daley
- Murphy launches Labour's defence review - Coffee House
- "Spending cuts can fund tax cuts with absolutely no risk of adding to the national debt" - Ruth Porter
- "Tony Blair’s wife Cherie sued News Corp. (NWSA) and the former private investigator who pleaded guilty to intercepting celebrities’ voice mails for the company’s now- defunct News of the World tabloid." - Bloomberg
- Gordon Brown slams Greek bailout – and warns Europe over austerity - LabourList
- Kevin Rudd resignation sparks leadership ballot rumours - Guardian