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Teatime newslinks for Thursday 3rd November 2011


  • Cameron says Britain is ready to boost IMF funding - Telegraph
  • Cameron appeals for unity as Greek PM clings to power - Evening Standard
  • British taxpayers won't be hurt, Cameron promises, if UK government increases funding of IMF - PlayPolitical
  • Rafael Behr: 'Either Britain will bailout the €uro, or it won't. There's no middle way' - New Statesman
  • Nick Robinson: 'Are taxpayers stumping up for the €urozone?' - BBC
  • Live coverage from the G20 summit in Cannes - Guardian - full programme of the G20 summit - Telegraph
  • Live blogs on the European debt crisis - Guardian I Telegraph
  • Greek PM Papandreou tells Sky News that a referendum on a €urozone bail out plan will not go ahead, nor was it his intention for it to happen - Sky News
  • Greek PM 'calls off referendum' and refuses to quit as bailout farce carries on - Daily Mail
  • Nick Wood: 'Papandreou bullied into backing down on referendum' - Daily Mail
  • Vassilis Monastiriotis: 'No Greek referendum, but no stability either' - Guardian
  • "The European dream is transmogrifying into something very nasty indeed" says Janet Daley, as EU threats to Greece become more hysterical - Telegraph
  • Daniel Knowles: 'If Greece leaves the €uro, it'll be a failed state in minutes' - Telegraph
  • David Hughes on the €uro's death spiral - "Given the palpable sense of panic among eurozone leaders – witness their thuggish warnings to Greece – and the clear impression that no one really has a clue about what to do, and the growing sense that EU member states are starting to loathe each other, we could well be getting close to the death spiral" - Telegraph
  • James Forsyth on the €uro sparking a Cabinet row between Michael Gove and Chris Huhne - Spectator


  • One millions public sector workers are set to strike over pensions on 30th November, despite Government concessions - Guardian
  • Tory MPs welcome Danny Alexander's public sector pensions statement to the Commons - MPsETC
  • Jeremy Hunt declines to throw his full support behind James Murdoch - Guardian
  • Archbishop of York John Sentamu, calls for the NHS bill to cover spiritual health - BBC
  • Quentin Letts: Did Angela Eagle really wag her little finger in sexually charged gesture at David Cameron during PMQs? - Daily Mail
  • Hague says he is "fully committed to Israel's security" but offers an "unequivocal condemnation" of settlement expansion - Independent
  • Jonathan Jones: 'Are we on the verge of war with Iran' - Spectator
  • Britain must resist US pressure for military action in Iran: "An attack on Iran would halt and reverse moves to reform" says Richard Norton-Taylor - Guardian
  • Michael White: "It's best to play the Iranians at the long game" and not do anything rash - Guardian
  • Clegg says that the UK will keep up pressure on Iran - BBC
  • Holyrood Twitter ban reinforced by presiding officer - BBC
  • Former Tory MSP John Young dies at the age of 80 - BBC
