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Teatime newslinks for Monday 21st November 2011


  • Cameron tells the CBI conference that there is no “silver bullet” to fix the economy and return the country to growth - Telegraph
  • Speech to the CBI conference suggests that the Government is preparing for grim growth forecasts next week - Guardian
  • Cameron: Deficit harder to clear than first thought - Telegraph
  • Head of CBI, John Cridland, says that firms who take on British teenagers instead of foreign workers, should be given subsidies - Daily Mail
  • First-time buyers could get government-backed 95% mortgages - Guardian
  • Cameron aims to boost ‘people’s dreams’ with help for first-time buyers - Evening Standard I Telegraph
  • Building project will boost growth, says Grant Shapps - Telegraph
  • Matt Griffith: ‘This new housing strategy won’t save the ‘lost generation’ - Guardian
  • Some banks and building societies says they were coerced into backing the Government’s mortgage scheme - Guardian


  • Build new airport, or face economic stagnation, says Boris Johnson - Guardian
  • Boris Johnson: "I urge the Government to develop ideas for a new airport in the Thames estuary - a clean, state-of-the art hub airport that would be a motor for growth and regeneration and entrench London's lead as the greatest commercial centre in Europe" - Evening Standard
  • A report published by Boris Johnson says an airport in the Thames Estuary would bring billions in investment from countries such as Brazil and China - Telegraph
  • James Forsyth: ‘The Government’s airport conundrum’ - Spectator
  • What should the proposed Thames Estuary airport be called? - Guardian
  • Stephen Glaister: Successive governments have failed to grasp the nettle of future traffic growth … the jams have a real impact on all of us and if we are to tackle them then we need to take a long-term view. So far ministers have declined to do so. It's about time that attitude changed” - Guardian


  • Fraser Nelson: ‘How ambitious is Cameron on Europe?’ - Spectator
  • Turkish President, Abdullah Gül in Britain for state visit as hopes of joining EU crumble in the face of opposition from France and Germany - Guardian
  • Melanie McDonagh: ‘Sorry, Mr Gul, but Turkey won’t be joining the EU any time soon’ - Spectator
  • Michael Burleigh: ‘Spain’s new leader faces a formidable task, but there are reasons to be optimistic’ - Daily Mail


  • Osborne announces measures, severing ties with Iranian banks as part of international sanctions package - Guardian I BBC
  • Hague talks with the Syrian opposition - BBC
  • After violent clashes in Egypt, William Hague calls for the ruling Military Council to allow “free and fair” elections - ToryDiary
  • New street battles erupt in Cairo’s Tahrir square - Guardian
  • Government accused of failing to back North Sea oil manufacturing - Guardian
  • Hamish MacDonnell: The SNP hits the jackpot with a £1m donation from EuroMillions winners for independence campaign - Spectator
