ConservativeHome's is a big experiment. Can the readers of this blog propose, scrutinise and refine one hundred policies that will amount to a worthy submission to the Conservative Party's policy review process? Can the 'wisdom of the crowds' match the careful work of the six policy groups, the various taskforces and the Westminster think tanks? We'll know in a few months...
Beginning on Monday 14th August ConservativeHome will be publishing policy ideas suggested by grassroots Conservatives. Every policy idea will be presented in the same format. Each submission will have...
- A headline summary of the policy;
- An explanation of the policy;
- An assessment of the policy's political risks and opportunities;
- Questions for ConservativeHome readers on how the policy idea can be improved;
- A brief statement on the policy's cost (if known). - inspired by similar initiatives in America - will follow a three-stage process:
The following five policy ideas will launch the process:
- Monday 14th August: Andrew Boff advocates direct democracy for London and a California-style recall of London's Mayor.
- Tuesday 15th August: Louise Bagshawe advocates making forced marriage illegal.
- Wednesday 16th August: James Frayne advocates the abolition of inheritance tax.
- Thursday 17th August: Peter Franklin advocates the public 'blacklisting' of ugly buildings for demolition.
- Friday 18th August: Sam Burke advocates "A Human Rights Minister to champion natural liberties abroad and further advance our Party’s commitment to the dignity of man."
Do you have a burning policy idea? What are you waiting for? Please email Tim.
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